By Tara Martin | Social Media Editor


Scattered showers could never rain on the band’s parade. On Aug. 25, the Avon Marching Black and Gold put on another annual Community Day at Avon High School. Community Day involves members from all different areas of the community like the YMCA and the library, as well as booths set up by parents and silent auctions. The festivities included dance and jump rope teams, a 50/50 raffle, and a performance from the marching band.

Community Day helps the band fundraise for their upcoming competition season. Junior Jack Hillsmeyer said it’s great that everyone comes out and supports the band.

“The band is a really big program in our community and we just love to see all these people out here to support us,” Hillsmeyer said. “It gets us riled up and gets us ready to go for the season.”

Hillsmeyer said that the upcoming show has potential to go very far in competitions and that Community Day is the first chance to test the show out in front of a crowd.

“This is like the first real full show that we do with the most stuff that we know,” Hillsmeyer said.

Representative of the Avon-Washington Township Public Library Catherine Myers said that the library supports the band every year because of how much they do for the community.

“Community Day is a lot of fun, lot of excitement, great music and fun kids,” Myers said.

Community day participant Douglas Pamquist has two children in the band and takes this as an opportunity to be active in the community.

“This is an opportunity for people to display what they truly love, which is Avon Marching Black and Gold,” Palmquist said.

This was Palmquist’s third year participating in Community Day. Palmquist anticipates setting up his booth with his wife to sell Avon Marching Black and Gold themed merch like Christmas Ornaments for at least four more years.

“I think for the community this is the kickoff [to the season] before we start doing competitions. We’re doing the football games before the show is released. The show shirts come out. I would say that today is the beginning of the band season,” Palmquist said.

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