by Emerson Zuranski

Imagine this, you’re in the car as a kid while your dad has his favorite CDs playing. You start tapping your leg and feeling the beat of the music. Slowly you begin to learn the lyrics of these songs. Eventually, you know enough to sing along and fully enjoy the experience of music. Even though you don’t know the names of the bands, you begin to ask for certain songs and CDs. Then one day while he’s driving, he asks, “Who sings this song?” 

That was where it all began. My love for the genre of dad rock stemmed from that very moment in time. 

The electric guitar plays its powerful chords, while the bass plays to soothe the background of the sound. The drums and the cymbals crash to create the different punches of sound. And to top it all off, the lead vocalist sings beautiful words with deep meaning. These moving parts are the ingredients to the recipe of rock. 

But dad rock is more than just the music, it’s the memories from the car rides to school or while running errands. It’s asking for a certain CD or song that everyone loves. It’s getting the nod of approval when choosing a good song. It’s the singing, laughing, and dancing with each other that truly makes this music special. 

There are tons of different bands that make up dad rock. Creed, Journey, Three Days Grace, Kiss, Eagles, Metallica, ACDC, Scorpions, Def Leppard, Kansas, Foo Fighters, and White Snake just to name a few. These bands have records, CDs, albums, and other ways to listen to their music, but being able to hear these bands on the radio allows you to reminisce on the memories of sharing music with the people you love. 

Some people don’t like rock music. They think its all screaming or prefer softer songs, but dad rock isn’t like that. It’s more than the music itself. It’s the picture of you and your family in the car having the time of your lives; living in the moment with each other. 

Since dad rock is a powerful genre, you should give it a listen. Then you will be able to impress all the adults at the next family event. Or you could have the best music taste known to man. And who knows, maybe you will fall in love with a timeless classic. ­­

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